Veterans Day Flag Raising Ceremony
November 7, 2014
8:15 a.m.
Each grade level will be notified when to start walking to the front of the school by the flagpole. Please arrange the classes in the following order: PreK 4, Kinder, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
PreK 4 will be in front of the flagpole then the other grade levels will follow behind PreK 4.
· Welcome (D. Mireles/T. Trevino)
· Introduction of veterans/guests (T. Trevino)
· Meaning of Veterans Day – Diego Vazquez-Landeros: T. Trevino
· Veterans Day Poem
o “Veteran’s Day” – Karina Corona: L. Trantham
· Raising of the Flags (Mr. Mayorga)
· Pledge of Allegiance (English/Spanish) – Jaiden Lewis & Katelyn Elizondo: I. Deleon
· Texas Pledge
· Moment of Silence (T. Trevino)
· “Star Spangled Banner” – sung by S. Scott
· Veterans Day Poem
o “Heroes” – Heidi Saldana: L. Garza
· Sing “God Bless the USA”
· Sing “God Bless America”
· Closing (S. Scott)