Kingsville Independent School District

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John S. Gillett Middle School (6th, 7th, & 8th Grades) » Our Mission

Our Mission

Gillett Middle School
We want to help!
Mission Statement 
The mission of KISD is to provide a safe and challenging academic environment, in collaboration with community partners, that will empower students to achieve futures of excellence.

Vision Statement
The Vision of John S. Gillett Intermediate School is to become an exemplary campus.

Gillett News

$1 Dress Day- March 28, 2016

Wristbands will be on sale during lunch periods on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday March 22, 23, and 24.

Students who choose to participate must comply with the dress guidelines that have been set for J.S. Gillett Free Dress Day. Caps, joggers, or pants with elastic/string are NOT allowed- pants must have belt loops.

For more information in regards to $1 dress day, you can contact any PTO board member or Mrs. Rosario Garces, PTO Teacher Representative.

Texas Public School Week

J.S. Gillett Intermediate School
Texas Public School Week
Monday, March 7, 2016 -Friday, March 11, 2016

*Wear Texas Colors – Red, White, and Blue
*Teams 1 & 2 – Parents have lunch with their child

(Team 1 – Mrs. Dela Garza, Mrs. Fuentes, and Mrs. Alaniz)
(Team 2 – Mrs. Nava, Mr. Smith, and Mrs. Trevino)

*Crazy Hat Day – Wear your crazy hats or a western hat
*Morning – Donuts for Dads (7:30-8:00a.m.)
*Teams 3 & 4 – Parents have lunch with their child

(Team 3 – Mrs. Rivas, Ms. Hinojosa, and Mrs. Jewell)
(Team 4 – Mrs. Escamilla, Mrs. Adame, and Mr. Arispe)

*Wear Your School Spirit Shirt Or Any Red Polo Shirt
*Team 5 – Parents have lunch with their child

(Team 5 – Mrs. Bunch, Mrs. Martinez, Mr. Duncan, Mrs. Gaffney, and Mr. Acuna)

*Western Day – Wear western attire
*Morning – Muffins for Moms (7:30-8:00)
* Team 6 – Parents have lunch with their child
*Texas 2 Step Dance with D.J. hosted by P.T.O.
$1.00 at door and concession stand available – 5:30-7:00

(Team 6 – Mrs. Garza, Mrs. Carrasco, Ms. Perez, Ms. Garces, and
Ms. Argullin)

FRIDAY, March 11TH
*College Awareness Day – wear your favorite Texas college shirt
*Team A – Parents have lunch with their child
.* Makeup Day for any parent who missed their designated day for lunch

(Team A – Mrs. Adrian)

Breakfast with the Principal

Gillett Intermediate School Parent Meeting

Breakfast with the Principal

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

9:00- 10:00 a.m.

Room A125

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

In observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, January 18, 2016 John S. Gillett Intermediate will be closed. CLASSES WILL RESUME ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 2016.

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